Friday, April 22, 2011

Age of anxitey anxiety

Bruce Nauman
How does the artist utilize material/median/found found object, in an historical context, verses a contemporary context? He uses his material in a contemporary context.  From what i Have seen he uses a lot of neon  he keep it fun and playful drawing the younger people to his work. do the materials inform the meaning of the piece? He uses his material to create word. A lot of his work is working with playing with the meaning of a word. He hides the true meaning of his are behind the words making you think why did he chose this word.

What site was chosen for the artwork? Naoshima Contemporary Art Museum is where on of the ones i like is displayed, "One Hundred Live and Die" does the site/place inform the meaning of the artwork?  not sure what it would be but the meaning has to due with dyeing and living.

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